What We Do

Kemberton Focuses on Your Most Challenging Revenue

When considering revenue cycle outsourcing, there’s a difference between traditional and specialized revenue. The traditional revenue cycle is composed of health payer claims where the path from patient discharge to health payer reimbursement is highly automated and efficient, and this constitutes the bulk of revenue. Then there is the specialized complex coverage revenue cycle, where discovery and coordination of benefits amongst payers and the manual processes and efforts are too costly, time-consuming and resource-intensive to efficiently pursue. Traditional business office systems are not designed to handle the process flow and the specialized regulatory, legal and third-party payer knowledge required. The on-again off again nature of the work, makes it almost impossible to staff for specialized complex coverage internally. This is where Kemberton goes to work for YOU.

The K-Suite of Specialized Complex Coverage Services

Kemberton offers an integrated suite of services that solves providers’ most complex coverage challenges – the K-Suite. It combines specifically trained claim resolution advocates and legal teams with complex coverage workflow automation technology that gives our clients full transparency into the process. Our dashboards make tracking and predicting complex coverage revenue flow as easy as a few mouse-clicks. Health systems can utilize our services in their entirety, or just start with the services that they need right now and add others as requirements change.

Complex Denials

Kemberton specializes in complex claims denials, turning non-collectible dollars into cash.

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

Kemberton navigates complex and time-consuming MVA claims to maximize cash flow.

Disability Eligibility Services

Kemberton's helps your most vulnerable patients receive the benefits they deserve.

Veterans Administration Claims

Kemberton has a proven track record of preventing write-offs and increasing cash flow.

Enrollment Services

Kemberton has the experience to secure the right coverage for each unique patient need.

Workers’ Compensation Claims

Kemberton has the knowledge and best practices to avoid delays and secure reimbursement..

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